
The Grove Hosts YMCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee’s AMEND Together Ambassadors

   January 3rd, 2022             Blog

By: Emma Vondra

Covering the hard topics to promote positive change is not always the easy route, but The Grove took steps this October to make the Nashville community a more positive and safer place for all. October serves every year as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and this year The Grove and YMCA Nashville banded together to promote the month’s message. On October 3, individuals from the AMEND team spoke on stage with Rev. Dr. John Faison and were available after the service to spread the positive national initiative. 

AMEND Together is a group through the YMCA whose primary goal is to stop violence targeted at women and girls by educating men and boys about the culture that supports violent acts. In the community, AMEND teams up with Metro Nashville Public Schools to create AMEND clubs for boys to immerse themselves into a safe environment to talk about healthy masculinity and gender-based violence.

Rev. Dr. John Faison explained that they were “proud to invite AMEND Together to The Grove to promote the importance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and to help our community work together to encourage healthy masculinity and respect, support strong families, and share information on how to prevent and report domestic violence.”

It is with work like this through individuals, groups, and organizations that change can be seen in a community.