
Our Office Expanded into East Tennessee to work with Johnson City Transit

   November 8th, 2017             Blog

JCT Mass Transit Station

Johnson City Ridership Survey Provides East Tennessee View and Community Engagement with Ridership Survey for JCT

With our offices in downtown Nashville, it’s an amazing change of scenery for team members to work in the foothills of the Appalachian Trail. In mid-September, a couple a dGCers took to I-40 and headed East to Johnson City, Tennessee to lead the public involvement efforts for a comprehensive operational analysis of the Johnson City Transit  (JCT) system. Alongside JCT, our boots-on-the-ground (and newest members of the dGC team), as well as other team members – AECOM Jim McAteer and Perri duGard Owens with members of the dGC team in East TNand Transit Insight – we gathered data, from current ridership. This process assists in developing analysis and engaging the public through Johnson City Transit logosurvey administration and strategic communications.

And WOW…we would like to take a moment and give a big SHOUT OUT to the community of Johnson City. The engagement level from your community was outstanding! We hit our survey goals by mid-week, and far exceeded that goal by over 500% – this made the end result even better (and our client happy)! dGC was instrumental in not only the survey process and community engagement, but as well, we pitched the local transit reporter, Zach Vance, and were able to secure a front-page, feature in the The Johnson City Press. Zach was able to experience the survey process first-hand by accompanying our administrators on the bus routes themselves! Read his article here.

From everyone at dGC, we would like to thank JCT and the Johnson City community, it was truly a pleasure to be able to immerse ourselves and build relationships in East Tennessee and with your riders. Transit really rocks!

Read about the free ride week or read about the launch of the survey.