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    The Grove Hosts YMCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee’s AMEND Together Ambassadors

       January 3rd, 2022             Blog

    By: Emma Vondra Covering the hard topics to promote positive change is not always the easy route, but The Grove took steps this October to make the Nashville community a more positive and safer place for all. October serves every year as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and this year The Grove and YMCA Nashville […]

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    Street Works Hosts Faith, Frappuccinos and Conversation

       January 3rd, 2022             Blog

    Street Works Hosts Faith, Frappuccinos and Conversation By: Emma Vondra Throughout 2021 Street Works worked creatively to connect with the community that they serve. Their conversation panels were a staple for the organization and their messages were able to touch people all over the state of Tennessee.  In August, the topic was Faith, Frappuccinos and […]

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    Street Works Hosts Cafe con Leche y Conversación

       January 3rd, 2022             Blog

    Street Works Cafe con Leche y Conversación By: Emma Vondra Street Works has been doing a phenomenal job reaching out to the community they serve through their Coffee and Conversation series. In October, the theme of the event was Café con Leche y Conversación, a highlight on National LatinX AIDS Awareness Day. With National LatinX […]

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    Street Works and First Baptist Capitol Hill ‘COVID-19, Condoms & Conversation’

       December 21st, 2021             Blog Client News News

    Street Works and First Baptist Capitol Hill ‘COVID-19, Condoms & Conversation’ By: Emma Vondra Street Works, a free, confidential HIV testing and supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS in the Nashville/Middle Tennessee area, teamed up with First Baptist Capitol Hill in February of this year to launch the beginning of their conversation series. This […]

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    Renewal House Virtual Thanksgiving Luncheon

       December 21st, 2021             Blog Client News News

    By: Emma Vondra Renewal House, the only provider of a long-term substance use disorder treatment program for women and their children in Middle Tennessee,  kicked off this year’s holiday season by hosting an event to thank the community that has helped them flourish.  On Nov. 9, to celebrate all of the developments that 2021 brought […]

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